I looked at it with excitement: a TRAY! Oh how cool, I thought naively, as I later realized.
Why, you ask? Well, because those who carve know that DRIED bamboo is very HARD and green bamboo is what you choose to carve with because it is soft.
Well, I went ahead with my plan. No stopping an idea over here.
I took it home, cleaned it, and let it dry out.
Then, sitting on my roof, I whittled, cut, and sanded the stinkin' bamboo for a few hours until it was just as I wanted it. Other than a few blisters and sore hands, I was quite pleased. (And more knowledgable about choosing things to carve.) I might paint the exterior... but right now I'm enjoying the au natural look and might keep it. Now to find food safe wood oil on this island...
It's beautiful (and so resourceful!), Sarah. :)