But wait. Isn't there a saying about this? The grass is always greener on the other side... But is it really?
I took picture this near the beach where they filmed Pirates of the Caribbean! |
When we first arrived the rain would come in droves, sometimes in a cloud, sometimes seemingly raining from the sun itself. A few minutes later the sun would shine and things were nicely moistened. Except that I was still drenched or just emerging from my protective overhang or constantly carrying my raincoat, even on the sunniest of days. Until recently this on and off confusion was the trend and it was simultaneously pleasant and a bit frustrating.
But summer is coming. And we can feel the threat. Its a bit like a lighted match is getting a tad too close to my fingers. The sun's heat is shockingly strong at times. I hear its only going to get worse. While the broken sprinkler system seems to be mostly off, the cool winds still make the days bearable for now. But soon the sun's flame will burn close all day and the humidity will drown us all. I hear that the wetness that once was outside will be your own sweat constantly streaming. The sea is like bathwater and the once cold showers are just more wetness washing over you. No one pays for air-conditioning (especially as you can watch your electricity meter go down) and the nights bring little relief. Sunscreen is your constant companion and, even with the incredible amount of walking we do, I'll cross the street multiple times just to escape the sun.
Hearing about the snow, more and more snow, makes me yearn for some. I missed an epic year of snow forts and cross country skiing. I missed fires and hot soup and being snowed in. I missed the silence that only falling snow can bring and the dirty slush that looks like a 7-11 Root Beer Slurpee all over the roads. And now I will miss the change of seasons back home, from snow to spring. Its was hot when we got here, pleasant mostly but warm and it will stay hot and get hotter. The sun will shine and then shine some more. I do love it. But there will be little change in the season. Is it better here? Or is it better where you are? Yes ... if the grass is always greener.
But its not. It takes effort and conscious choice to be content and grateful where you are. Choose gratitude not paradise. I have to tell myself that everyday and have people who will remind me too.
So very true, Sarah, and so beautifully written! Miss you!
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